Vertical Files – Biography

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Abate, Ernest

BIOGRAPHY – Abbott, G. Harry

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Achorn, Stanley E. ‑ Pilot Log (1948)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Adams, Nathaniel E.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Addison, Chester A.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Aiken, Catherine

BIOGRAPHY – Aldredge, Thomas

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Alexander, Douglas

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Alexander, Helen

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Alexander, Mary Louise

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Altschul, Frank and Helen

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ammentorp, Annette

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Anable, Anthony

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Anable, Gloria

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Anderson, Amos

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Anderson, Maxwell

BIOGRAPHY – Andrews, Bill

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Arnold, Margaret

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Arnold, Paul Dean

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Arnow, William

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Arthur, Revington

BIOGRAPHY – Arthur, William H.

BIOGRAPHY – Bach, Alfons

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bacon, Josephine

BIOGRAPHY – Baer, Arthur (Bugs)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bailey, Whitman.

BIOGRAPHY – Baker, Rachel

BIOGRAPHY - Bargh, Samuel J.

BIOGRAPHY – Barger, Raymond G.

BIOGRAPHY – Barnes, R. Bowling

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Barker, Alice

BIOGRAPHY – Baker, John W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Barker, Charles L.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Barlow, Aaron (1750‑1800) ‑ Orderly Book

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Barlow, Lester P.

BIOGRAPHY – Barnes, Major

BIOGRAPHY – Barone, Alfred, Dr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Barrett, George T.

BIOGRAPHY – Bartram, Floyd B.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bartram, Frieda.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Baxter, Rev. William L.

BIOGRAPHY – Beehler, Charles H. - WWI

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Behre, Edward J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bennett, Ruth F.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Berges, William J. (Tailor).

BIOGRAPHY - Bigelow, Edward F., Dr. 

BIOGRAPHY - Biggs, Thomas J., M.D. (See Sound View Hospital)

BIOGRAPHY   Bingham, James Frank Hedley - Judge

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Birren, Faber.

BIOGRAPHY – Bisharat, Victor H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bishop, George Washington ‑ Inventor

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Black, Edithe

BIOGRAPHY - Blackshear, Theophilus

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Black, Robert D.

BIOGRAPHY – Blickensderfer, George C.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bliss, Grace Lester

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Blodgett, Helen.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bolster, Richard.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bond, Nina Lee.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Booth, Alice Brown

BIOGRAPHY – Booth, Sydney Barton

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Borglum, Gutzon ‑ 1

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Borglum, Gutzon ‑ 2

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Borglum, Gutzon – 3

BIOGRAPHY – Bounty, Absalom E. (also Joseph Bounty)

BIOGRAPHY – Bourglay, Jules – “The Leather Man”

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bouton, Eliza Ann St. John (1870‑1873) (Diary)

BIOGRAPHY – Bove, Joan Gelb

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bowen, Margaret (Mrs. Charles)

BIOGRAPHY – Boyle, Michael H.

BIOGRAPHY – Brennan, E. Gaynor, Jr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Brennan, William H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Brenner, Morris

BIOGRAPHY - Brewster-Walker, Sandi J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Brinckerhoff, J.E.

BIOGRAPHY - Broadhurst, Richard

BIOGRAPHY – Bromley, Helen Jean, Dr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bromley, J. Robert.

BIOGRAPHY – Broun, Heywood

BIOGRAPHY – Brown, Himan

BIOGRAPHY – Brown, Delores – Deputy Sheriff

BIOGRAPHY – Brown, John – (1782-1841) - Postmaster

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Brown, John M. (1856‑1915)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Brown, Noah.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Brown, William.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Buckley, William F., Jr.

BIOGRAPHY – Bunce, Ruth N. (Mrs. Alan)

BIOGRAPHY – Burdick, Arthur J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Burns, Rosemary H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Burt, David.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Bush, Samuel (1760‑1827)

BIOGRAPHY – Butler, Gordon

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Butler, Joseph T.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Buttery, Margaret.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Cal, Genaro.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Calle, Christopher & Pau1

BIOGRAPHY - Calrow. Robert

BIOGRAPHY - Camhi, Ellen

BIOGRAPHY - Campbell, Rev. Donald Fisher

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Canaday, Rachel B.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Carter, Galen A.

BIOGRAPHY – Cartsounis, George Telemachus

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Carwin, Joseph, Dr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Catino, Salvadore.

BIOGRAPHY – Chadeayne, M. Kathryn,

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Chidester, Keith.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Cipri, Remo

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Clapes, Louis A.

BIOGRAPHY – Clemenceau, George

BIOGRAPHY –Cloonan, John J. (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Close, George R. (1915‑1958)

BIOGRAPHY - Cognetta, Nicholas

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Collins, John.

BIOGRAPHY – Colucci, Joseph

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Connell, Edward A.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Connolly, Jerome.

BIOGRAPHY – Conners, Terry

BIOGRAPHY – Considine, John T. (Chief of Police)

BIOGRAPHY – Cook, Berdel Alfred (1923-1951)

BIOGRAPHY – Cooper, Hugh L., Colonel

BIOGRAPHY – Cooper, Jack (John H.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Couch, Thomas (d.1817) ‑ Orderly Book

BIOGRAPHY – Cowan, Oscar H. (Lt.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Crandall, Charles Henry (1858‑1923).

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Crane, Albert

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Crane, Bob

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Crane, James E., Dr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Crosta, Joe

BIOGRAPHY – Cubeta, Paul

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Cummings, Homer Stille (1870‑1956)

BIOGRPAHY – Curtin, Tim

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Cushing, Raymond.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Czescik, Edward S.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Dahl, Patti

BIOGRAPHY – Darling, Lockwood - WWII

BIOGRAPHY – Daskam, Walter D.

BIOGRAPHY – Davis, Eleanor Parks

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Dater, Alfred W., Jr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Dater, Lois R.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Daugherty, James

BIOGRAPHY - Davis, Darwin N., Sr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ David, Louis

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Davidoff, Harry.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Davis, Robert

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Davis, Sussie H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Davis, Virginia (Davis, Robert, Mrs.)

.BIOGRAPHY ‑ DeForest, John

BIOGRAPHY ‑ DeForest, Ralph.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Delmar, Kenny.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Denton, Richard.

BIOGRAPHY– DeVito Family

BIOGRAPHY ‑ De Vos, Maria

BIOGRAPHY ‑ DeWaters, Lillian.

BIOGRAPHY – Dibble, Ebenezer

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Dichter, Melvin.

BIOGRAPHY - Dickerson, Nathaniel (Nat)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Dippel, Clara P.

BIOGRAPHY – Ditrichstein, Leo – (Playwright/Actor)

BIOGRAPHY - Dixon, Handy

BIOGRAPHY – Dixon, Thomas P.

BIOGRAPHY – Dolan, Anthony R.

BIOGRAPHY – Doolan, Daniel


BIOGRAPHY – Douglass, Frederick, Hon.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Downey, Agnes C.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Downing, Flora M.

BIOGRAPHY – Dreany, Edward Joseph & Freda

BIOGRAPHY – Dzamba, Stephen

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Eckhard, Henry L.

BIOGRAPHY – Edgerton, Edna – (Mrs. Malcolm. J.)

BIOGRAPHY – Edson, Gus – Cartoonist

BIOGRAPHY – Ehrenkranz, Joseph - Rabbi

BIOGRAPHY - Elder, George

BIOGRAPHY – Emery, Albert H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ennis, John.

BIOGRAPHY – Esposito, Stanley - Mayor

BIOGRAPHY – Fahey, Joseph F., Jr.,

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Farlow, Nora J. W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Farmer, Kay

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Farrell, Jeanne

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Farrington, Doris

BIOGRAPHY - Faulkner, Herbert Waldron

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Fay, Charles Edey

BIOGRAPHY - Fedele, Michael

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Feinstein, Estelle.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ferguson, Henry and Samuel

BIOGRAPHY – Ferguson, John

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ferguson, Walton

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ferris, Joshua B.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ferris, Theodore (1847‑1933)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Fessenden, Samuel

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Field, Edwin

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Fielding, Temple

BIOGRAPHY – Finley, Frank P.

BIOGRAPHY - Finkel, Michael

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Forman, Barbara

BIOGRAPHY – Forman, James

BIOGRAPHY – Frame Andrew & Agnes

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Franchina, Charles A.

BIOGRAPHY – Franchina, Joseph

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Franklin, Floyd

BIOGRAPHY – Frohman, Charles

BIOGRAPHY – Frohman, Daniel

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gabor, Dennis

BIOGRAPHY - Gallagher, Wilhemina

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gardiner, Rockwell (Rocky)

BIOGRAPHY – Garthwaite, Robert

BIOGRAPHY ‑ George, Ethel Todd

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gerardi, Amelia

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gerardi, Joseph

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gershman, Elizabeth G. (Bettie)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gilbert, Benjamin D.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gilbert, Madeline (wife of Benjamin D. Gilbert)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gildemeister, Clara

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gildemeister, Walter

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gillespie, Doris

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gillespie, Edward T. W. (1841‑1923)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gillespie, Kingsley A. (1895‑1984)

BIOGRAPHY – Richard H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Givens, Amos

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Givens, Webster C.

BIOGRAPHY – Goings, Russell L.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Goldblatt, Charlotte

BIOGRAPHY – Goldman, Alex (Rabbi)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Goldmark Peter C.

BIOGRAPHY – Goldstein, Sandra

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Goodman, Benny

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Gorn, Martin

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Graven, Jack

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Graves, William W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Greeney, Joseph – Letters

BIOGRAPHY - Gregory, W. H., Dr.

BIOGRAPHY – Gurley, Frank B.

BIOGRAPHY – Guassardo, Americo


BIOGRAPHY ‑ Halliday, Robert Mather

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Harper, Cornelius

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hart, Nathaniel

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Havee, Theophile W. M.

BIOGRAPHY - Havemeyer, Henry O.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Haviland, W. P.

BIOGRAPHY – Havoc, June

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hayden, Barbara ‑ Irish Culture

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Healey, James

BIOGRAPHY - Hedges, Andrew Jackson

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Heinz, Bernard

BIOGRAPHY – Heist, Lewis Clark (Whitey)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Helms, Arthur.

BIOGRAPHY – Hendricks, William - Photographer

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hendrickson, Judson C.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Higgins, Lisetta N. (Mrs. Max Higgins).

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hill, George W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hilliard, Mary P.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hirt, Robert C.

BIOGRAPHY – Hodges, Henry Clay (Major General)

BIOGRAPHY – Hogan, Thomas J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Holly, Flora Mai

BIOGRAPHY – Holly, Henry Hudson

BIOGRAPHY – Holly, William Henry

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Holman, Libby Reynolds – “Treetops”

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hornaday, William Temple

BIOGRAPHY – Houdini, Harry (Erich Weiss)

BIOGRAPHY – Howland, A.C. (Artist)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hoyt, Charles Q.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hoyt, Epinetus

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hoyt, Henry

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hoyt, Isaac

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hoyt, James Henry

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hoyt, Jonathan

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Humphrey, David

BIOGRAPHY – Hungeford, Harry (M.D.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Hunt, Edward J.

BIOGRAPHY – Hunt, Richard Morris - Architect

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Huntington, E. B. (Elijah Baldwin)

BIOGRAPHY – Hurley, Marie

BIOGRAPHY – Huxford, Frederick

BIOGRAPHY – Ihm, August

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ingersoll, Simon

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Inslee, Gage

BIOGRAPHY – Jacobi, Anita Fleming

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Jaeger, Alan

BIOGRAPHY – James, Juanita (Williams)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Jansen, Joseph A.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Jarrett, Virginia (Mrs. Paul)

BIOGRAPHY – Jarvik, Robert - Doctor

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Jarvis, Munson

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Jarvis, Samuel (1720‑1780) ‑ 1

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Jarvis, Samuel (1720‑1780) – 2

BIOGRAPHY – Jepsen, George

BIOGRAPHY – Jessup, Robert Richard

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Johnson, Bernard

BIOGRAPHY – Johnson, Roy W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Johnson, Verlette Nicholson

BIOGRAPHY – Johnston, Pobie

BIOGRAPHY – Jones, Jerome

BIOGRAPHY – Jones, Phil

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Jones, Robert M.

BIOGRAPHY – Judd, Jane M. (Mrs. Charles)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ June, Harold

BIOGRAPHY ‑ June, Ruth Mary

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Junger, John J.

BIOGRAPHY – Kahn, Morton

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kahn, Renee

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kane, Martin T.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Karbowski, Eugene

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Karp, Henry and Ruth

BIOGRAPHY – Karp, Steve

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Karukas, Gus

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Keating, John, Sr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kemp, Dorothy Taylor

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kessler, Valentine N., Jr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ketcham, Alan H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ketcham, Grace

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kimball, Eleanor Selleck (1905‑1968)

BIOGRAPHY – King, Georgianna Nicholson

BIOGRAPHY – King, Martin Luther (Rev.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kingsbury, Elliot

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Knowles, James

BIOGRAPHY – Koulis, Nick (Kouloganes)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kowalski, Ron

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kung Pin‑Mei, Ignatius (Cardinal)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Kurz, Charles

BIOGRAPHY – LaChance, Harry E., Jr. – (WWII)

BIOGRAPHY – Laitman, Marilyn

BIOGRAPHY – Lampron, Fred F. - Photographer

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lang, Karl F.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lang, Marion

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Larson, Hannah, N.

BIOGRAPHY – Latham, John C.

BIOGRAPHY – Laureno, John A. – “Sharkey”

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Learned, Arthur Garfield; Learned, Leila Sprague

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lenz, Frederick T., Jr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lerner, Alan

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Levine, Adam

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Levine, Donald I.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Levine, Jacklyn (Mrs. Stanley H. Levine)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lewis, Wilbur E. – Papers

BIOGRAPHY – Lichack, Elwood

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lieberman, Joseph – 1

BIOGRAPHY – Lieberman, Joseph - 2

BIOGRAPHY ‑ LiVolsi, Joseph

BIOGRAPHY – Lloyd, Christopher

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lobozza, Carl M.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lockwood, Charles Davenport (1877‑1949)

BIOGRAPHY – Lodato, Philip

BIOGRAPHy – Long, Jim – (Postmaster)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Long, William J. – “Nature Fakers” Controversy

BIOGRAPHY – Lowden, Elmer W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lyman, Laura E. ‑ Diary (1866‑1867)

BIOGRAPHY – Lynch, Robert J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Lynn, Harold S.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ MacCumber, Pauline

BIOGRAPHY – MacDonald, Ralph

BIOGRAPHY – MacKaye, Benton

BIOGRAPHY – Mack, Eddie (Angelo)

BIOGRAPHY – Macklin, William (Lathon Wider Community Center)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Macurdy, John

BIOGRAPHY ‑ MacVeigh, Earle R.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Majdalany, Jeanne

BIOGRAPHY – Malloy,Dannel (Mayor)

BIOGRAPHY – Manoharan, Lalitha (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Marcus, Ronald

BIOGRAPHY – Marion, Frank

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Marshall, Gertrude (Pat)

BIOGRAPHY – Martin, David - Mayor

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Massell, Len - “On The Square”

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Mather, Frederick G.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Matteis, Benigno

BIOGRAPHY ‑ McCloy, John J.

BIOGRAPHY - McDonald, Andrew

BIOGRAPHY – McDonald, Ann – (Board of Representatives)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ McInerney, Daniel

BIOGRAPHY ‑ McTammany, John (1845‑1915)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Mead, Esther

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Mecca, Gregg D.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Mercede, Frank

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Merritt, Katherine

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Merritt, Schuyler

BIOGRAPHY – Metz, Theodore

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Miller, Charles O.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Miller, Florence ‑ Papers

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Miller, Frances Elizabeth (nee‑Hoyt) (Mrs. C. O. Miller).

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Miller, Mary F. (Mrs. C.O. Miller)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Miller, Wilbur

BIOGRAPHY - Milne, Alexander

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Mincks, Henry

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Minor, William T. - Governor (1815‑1889)


BIOGRAPHY ‑ Mix, Carol

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Monjo, Ferdinand, Jr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Montgomery, Giles N.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Moon, Glenn W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Moore, Charles E.

BIOGRAPHY – Moriarty, John – Deputy Chief of Police

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Morrell, Samuel W.

BIOGRAPHY – Morris, Robert T. (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Mottahedeh, Mildred R.

BIOGRAPHY – Muller, Edouard (Dr.) – (Nestle. Company)

BIOGRAPHY - Murphy, Katherine T.

BIOGRAPHY – Nagurney, Michael J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Nakian, Reuben

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Nemoitin, Bernard O. (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Nemoitin, Jacob (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Neumann, Vera

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Nichols, Elizabeth

BIOGRAPHY – Nojima, Junzo (Junior)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ OIson, Virginia

BIOGRAPHY ‑ O'Meara, Mary E. & Frances A.

BIOGRAPHY – O’Meara, Walter (Bud)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ O'Neill, Brian F.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ O'Neill, W. Jerold

BIOGRAPHY – Opper, Frederick Burr

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Otto, Robert W

BIOGRAPHY – Owen, Robert Emmett

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Palmer, Delos

BIOGRAPHY – Palmer, Lowell M.

BIOGRAPHY – Parker, George H.

BIOGRAPHY - Parker, Toni Trent

BIOGRAPHY – Pavia, Michael, Mayor

BIOGRAPHY - Pavia, Tony

BIOGRAPHY – Peebles, Charlotte W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pendery, Joyce

BIOGRAPHY - Perrine, Van Dearing

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pershing, George Orr

BIOGRAPHY – Peters, Cyril S., Rev.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pettit, Florence

BIOGRAPHY - Philip, Rosavelle Gardner, M.D. - James F., M.D.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Phillips, Alfred Norton ‑ Mayor

BIOGRAPHY - Phillips, Charles H. (Mrs. Ella Frances)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Phyfe, Duncan

BIOGRAPHY – Physioc, Willis - Artist

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pia, Tony ‑ "OId Sergt"

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pierson, Sam

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pinchot, Susan – Pinchot, Ann

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pitney, Arthur H.

BIOGRAPHY - Pitt, William H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Pont Briant, Lois

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Porter, Louis H.

BIOGRAPHY – Preziosi, Anniello (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY – Princiotti, Salvatore

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Prior, Phillip W. (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Quigley, Thomas F.J. ‑ Mayor

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Quintard, George W.

BIOGRAPHY – Radner, Gilda

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ralston, Florence

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ramsay, Mrs. John

BIOGRAPHY – Randall, W. Raymond

BIOGRAPHY – Ransohof, Babette

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rawls, Cotton (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY – Raymond, Alexander Gillespie

BIOGRAPHY - Raymond, James - “Rock Spring”

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Redfern, Mundy

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Reed, Isaac (b. 1746)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rewak, Ted

BIOGRAPHY – Reynolds, Jack

BIOGRAPHY - Rice, Elmer

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rice, Johnnie

BIOGRAPHY – Rice, Winthrop Merton

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rich, Frank D.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rich, Robert

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rider, Harold E.

BIOGRAPHY – Rivers, Frank S.

BIOGRAPHY – Roberts, Richard Jessup

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Robinson, Jackie

BIOGRAPHY – Robinson, Richard

BIOGRAPHY – Robustelli, Andrew (Andy)

BIOGRAPHY – Rogers, George

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rogers, John

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rogers, Moses

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Roos, John

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Roosevelt, Emily Hubbard.

BIOGRAPHY – Root, Stella Q., (M.D.)

BIOGRAPHY – Rose, George (Medal of Honor – Boxer Rebellion)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rosenbaum, Harry (Stamford Weekly Mail)

BIOPGRAHY – Rosenthal, Reid L.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rosenthal, Richard L.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Ross, Harold

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rowell, Charles E., (Dr.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rowland, Stanley James

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Russell, Don (Rustici)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rutledge, Catherine


BIOGRAPHY ‑ Rybnick, Gerald J.

BIOGRAPHY - Ryle, Ann B.

BIOGRAPHY – Salinger, J.D.

BIOGRAPHY – Saunders, John

BIOGRAPHY – Scalzi, John

BIOGRAPHY – Scanley, Connie

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Scanlon, Asa W.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Schavoir, Frederick

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Schlegel, Evangeline M.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Schmidt, Julius

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Schmidt, Susie (Koment)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Scofield, Ann Augusta

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Scofield, Edwin L.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Scofield, Lester and Lillian

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Scofield, Walter K.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Seeley, Louise

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Serrani, Thomas

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Shapiro, Joseph M.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Shapiro, Paul

BIOGRAPHY – Sharlach, Lester

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Shaskin, Sam

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Sheldon, Ralph

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Sherman, Edith

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Sherwood, Herbert F.

BIOGRAPHY – Shore, Sig – (Movie Producer)

BIOGRAPHY – Sinrich, Phyllis

BIOGRAPHY – Skiddy, William (Capt.)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Smith, H. Woody

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Smith, Horace

BIOGRAPHY – Smith, James D. (Commodore)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Smith, Red

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Smith, Sarah Frances

BIOGRAPHY – Smith, Truman

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Smith, W. H.

BIOGRAPHY – Smith, Walter

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Speer, Walter L.

BIOGRAPHY – Spelke, Abram

BIOGRAPHY – Spelke, Max (Judge)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ St. John, Selleck

BIOGRAPHY – Stadl, George, Jr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Stark, Julia Didiana

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Stebbins, Ada Y.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Steinberger, Sidney

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Stern, Robert A. M.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Stevens, Andrew

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Stevens, Emma

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Stevens, Henry, Mrs. ‑ Letters – 1

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Stevens, Henry, Mrs. ‑ Letters – 2

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Story, Thomas ‑ Quaker Visit in Stamford (c.1700)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Studwell, A.T.

BIOGRAPHY – Sutherland, George – (Artist)

BIOGRAPHY – Sweet, Oscar (Ozzie)

BIOGRAPHY – Talbott, Raymond Burton

BIOGRAPHY – Tandet, William

BIOGRAPHY – Tarzia, Joseph

BIOGRAPHY – Taylor, Jeremiah (Rev.) (Civil War)

BIOGRAPHY – Tobin, Richard – (Judge)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Toner, Joseph V.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Topping, Thomas J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Towne, Constance

BIOGRAPHY – Towne, Frederick

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Towne, Henry R.

BIOGRAPHY – Towne, Robert D.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Tresser, Michael

BIOGRAPHY – Tresser, Samuel (WWI)

BIOGRAPHY - Trueheart, William E.

BIOGRAPHY – Truglia, Christel

BIOGRAPHY – Tuminski, Edward T.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Tunney, Gene

BIOGRAPHY – Tyson, Wayne T.

BIOGRAPHY - Updegraff, Marie

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Vacca, Evelyn F.

BIOGRAPHY – Vaccaro, Carmine

BIOGRAPHY – Vail, Richard H. – (Reverend)

BIOGRAPHY – Valentine, Bobby

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Vera (Salaff, Vera)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Vickers, Edmund D.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Vinton, David H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Vitti, Joseph J.

BIOGRAPHY – Vitti, Ralph – (Michael Dante)

BIOGRAPHY – Vuono, Charles D. & Joseph J.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Vuono, Mary C.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wachter, Walter A.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wadhams, Ed

BIOGRAPHY – Washington, Fredericka Carolyn (Fredi)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wakeman, F. B.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Walker, Mort

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wallack, Lester

BIOGRAPHY - Ward, Charles H.

BIOGRAPHY – Ward, Ferdinand

BIOGRAPHY – Wardwell, Frederick Schuyler

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wardwell, Mrs. Frederic

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Waring, George Edwin

BIOGRPAHY – Washington, Frederika

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Waterbury, Beryl C.

BIOGRAPHY – Waterbury, David - Capt. (1819-1894)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Waterbury, David – General

BIOGRAPHY – Waterbury, Marcus

BIOGRAPHY – Waters, Edith (Blockman)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Webb, Sara Mead

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Webb, William H.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Weed, Charles Clark

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Weed, Jarvis – Papers

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Weir, James A.

BIOGRAPHY – Welden, Paula

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Weltscheff, Lydia

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Westerberg, Alice M. (Major)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wheeler, Walter H., III – (Josephine)

BIOGRAPHY – White, David Henry

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Whitman, Florence

BIOGRAPHY – Wicks, Edith Mellny

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wiekes, Thomas

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wiegand, Ernest (Prof.)

BIOGRAPHY – Wilder, Gene

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wilensky, Julius

BIOGRAPHY – Wilkerson, Cathy

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Willard, Everett C.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Williams, Adele

BIOGRAPHY – Williams, Dudley & Juanita James – Also see James, Juanita

BIOGRAPHY – Wilson, George (Red)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wise, Homer Lee

BIOGRAPHY – Wise, Robert

BIOGRAPHY - Wolcott, Alexander

BIOGRAPHY – Wolf, Sylvester J. & Ann

BIOGRAPHY – Wood, Clayton Lester

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Wood, Peggy

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Woodbury, Dorothy (Mrs.Norman)

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Woodbury, Norman

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Yale, Linus, Jr.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Yerwood, Joyce

BIOGRAPHY – Yudain, Bernie

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Yudain, Harold

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Yudain, Theodore

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Zagat, Cornelia Ernst (1910‑1988)

BIOGRAPHY – Zimbler, Kurt A.

BIOGRAPHY ‑ Zweig, Friderike

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