Browse Items (17 total)

The Annual Report for the Ferguson Library from 1970. The report provides a brief history of the library to the 1960s and then focuses on the changes and growth that occurred in the library system from 1960 to 1970. Highlights include the opening of…

Trifolded brochure from the Ferguson Library. The front small panel shows a photograph of the library with information about hours and services. The two other small panels list a variety of businesses in Stamford. The full page rear side is a map of…

Program from the dedication ceremony for the opening of the Ferguson Library's addition completed in 1960. The program provides the list of speakers for the event and the department heads.
The addition provided a large and small auditorium, a…

Catalog of business and technical books at the Ferguson Library in the Fall of 1939. The catalog is organized by subject, then by author.

Annual report of the Ferguson Library for 1926-1927. The booklet contains the history of the library from its founding in 1872 to 1927. It also lists the activities and statistics of the library for that year.

Annual Statement and Statistical Report

History Report

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