Lyrics of Christmas carols printed by St. Andrew's Church in Stamford, Connecticut in 1867.
The carols included are:
- Ring, Merry, Merry Bells
- Come and Worship
- Hail to the Morn
- Hark! A Burst of Heavenly Music
- Hark! What Sounds are…
Lyrics of Easter carols printed by St. Andrew's Church in Stamford, Connecticut in 1868.
The carols included are:
- Sing Sweet Carols, Night is Past
- Let the Merry Church Bells Ring
- Let the Song be Begun
- The World Itself Keeps Easter Day
Easter prayer and lyrics to Easter hymns printed by St. Andrew's Church in Stamford, Connecticut in 1871.
Hymns included are:
- We Welcome Thy Rising
- Victory
- Easter Day is Come
- Christ is Risen
- Hallelujah
- Easter Bells
- Birds are…
Order of service with hymn and psalm lyrics for the laying of the cornerstone of St. Andrew's Church's parish building in Stamford, Connecticut.
Lyrics included are:
- Psalm 84 (Processional)
- Hymn 299
- Laudate Nomen (Anthem)
- Hymn 138…
Easter service pamphlet from St. Andrew's Church in 1881 with Easter carol lyrics.
Carol lyrics included:
- Raise the Song for Easter
- Easter Hymn
- Christ is Risen, all Triumphant
- Now all the Bells are Ringing
- God Hath Sent His Angels
Printed concert program from St. John's Episcopal Church in Stamford, Connecticut that was held to benefit their Sunday school programming on September 16, 1875. Some of the lyrics of the songs were printed in the program.
The vocalists that…