Browse Items (4336 total)

Program from a choir concert held at the Universalist Vestry in Stamford, Connecticut on June 9, 1896.
Songs performed are:
- The Miller
- Sunset
- The Lost Chord
- For All Eternity
- Of Thee I am Thinking
- Red Red Rose
- Waken, Lords and…

Service program from the Universalist Church in Stamford, Connecticut for the morning service on September 11, 1949.

Booklet from the University of Connecticut Branch Building fundraising campaign that was seeking to erect a building in North Stamford, Connecticut to serve students from Fairfield County. The booklet provides information on the University's plans…

UCONN Branch Building Fund Campaign.pdf
Pamphlet from the University of Connecticut fundraising campaign to build a campus in Stamford in the late 1950s. The pamphlet provides answers to frequent questions about the project and fundraising campaign.

University of Conn, Stamford 1958.pdf
University information and course catalog for the Stamford extension of the University of Connecticut in Stamford, Connecticut for the 1958-1959 academic year. The booklet offers information on the current faculty and staff at the university…

Poem written for Mort Lowenthal by one of his grandchildren for his 80th birthday.

Book written to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the School of Nursing at the Stamford Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut. The book describes the history of the school and hospital and how they developed through the early 20th century. Some…

This typewritten documents Pierre Billiou journey with his family to settle in Staten Island, New York in the 17th century and includes his last will and testament. Pierre Billiou was the first permanent settler on Staten Island.

Photo of award recipients at the Latino Foundation of Stamford's 11th Annual Generation of Pioneers Awards Banquet.
From left to right:
Jenny Reynoso, Eduardo Balbuena, Alda Rojas, Sergio Ramos, Emily Rojas, Senator Richard Blumenthal, Lupe Ramos,…

Portrait of Galdino Velasco with his wife, Juana Velasco.
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