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Pacific and Henry Streets

Constitution and By-Laws of the Young People Society of Christian Endeavor of the M. E. Church of Stamford Connecticut

Summary Report Statistics

Day of Thanksgiving for Victories

Christmas Festival of the Sunday School of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Courtesy of the City of Stamford, Connecticut, Urban Redevelopment Commission Photographic Archive: black & white print; taken by Ronald Rose (probably); scanned by Ronald Marcus, 2004-2006; metadata by Colin Skidmore, 2004-2016
Courtesy of the City of Stamford, Connecticut, Urban Redevelopment Commission Photographic Archive: color slide; developed March, 1973; scanned by Ronald Marcus, 2004-2006; metadata by Colin Skidmore, 2004-2019, and Matthias Fried, 2019
Courtesy of the City of Stamford, Connecticut, Urban Redevelopment Commission Photographic Archive: black & white print; taken by Ronald Rose (probably); developed March, 1967; scanned by Ronald Marcus, 2004-2006; metadata by Colin Skidmore,…
Courtesy of the City of Stamford, Connecticut, Urban Redevelopment Commission Photographic Archive: black & white print; taken by Ronald Rose (probably); developed March, 1967; scanned by Ronald Marcus, 2004-2006; metadata by Colin Skidmore,…
Courtesy of the City of Stamford, Connecticut, Urban Redevelopment Commission Photographic Archive: color slide; developed May, 1967; scanned by Ronald Marcus, 2004-2006; metadata by Colin Skidmore, 2004-2018, and Octavio Avila, 2018
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