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This is a photograph of Bedford Street after a massive flood swept through Stamford in 1938.

This is an image of Bedford Street looking south, after a great flood which swept through downtown Stamford in 1938.
This is a photograph of the Old Five Chimney House on Bedford Street in 1910.
Photographs and article from Harper's Weekly, 17 March 1866. Bottom row pictures (left to right): "Fitch's Home-School Room"
679 Long Ridge Road
The First Stamford National Bank & Trust Company is seen here on a snowy day, located on the corner of Atlantic and Broad streets.

Program for the morning worship service at the First Presbyterian Church in Stamford, Connecticut on March 9, 1958. The program also has the church's planned events for the following week until Mach 15, 1958.

Program for the morning worship service at the First Presbyterian Church in Stamford, Connecticut on December 6, 1959. The program also has the church's planned events for the following week until December 12, 1959.
Broad St. to corner of Summer and Bedford Streets. Corner of Broad and Bedford Streets, location of the Ferguson Library before 1910. The first Presbyterian Church and "Gothic House," corner of Broad and Atlantic Streets. The Ferguson Library was…

The First Presbyterian Church and "Gothic House" was located corner of Broad and Atlantic Streets. The Ferguson Library was erected on the site of the Gothic House, 1910-1911. Reproduced from p. 43, Stamford and Greenwich and their points of…
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